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Introductory Resources
Generic flyer

Promotional video - are you in?
Video to use during prayer session (to feel a part of the global relay)
Explainer video - answering key questions in detail
Andy Kennedy & Olly Goldenberg introduce the Come Lord Jesus prayer relay and answer some questions for those who want to know more.
Skip to the question you want answered:
00:00 1. What's the vision for Come Lord Jesus?
02:11 2. What does a prayer session look like?
09:15 3. How can I get involved?
11:44 4. What do the national co-ordinators do?
16:30 5. What day do I pray and how do I know what nation do I pray for?
19:18 6. Where can I find more resources?
23:29 7. And finally ....
Prayer fuel
In depth guides
Theme songs
Theme song
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